Clasa VI

Lecții filmate Activități interactive
Limba engleză
Sandy's Flat
Reading Together
Moldovan Codrii
Expecting Guests
A United Family
Meals and Table Manners
Save Our Nature
Let's Discover Wildlife
Public transport rules
At the Grocery
Let's go shopping!
A book to take me lands away
It's a Wonderful World
The adventure continues
When classes are over
Inventions in Our Life
Schools in England
An Invitation to the USA
Friends from the USA
Reading Together
Legentady Past, Part 2
English in our life
Legendary Past, Part 1
A Song of Seasons
At my Grandparents
A Life Devoted to People
In the Country
Wonders of Nature
Round Up
End of book round up
In the street
Play Safe and Stay Safe
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